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Aptitude Test, Employment Screening, Assessment Testing, OnlinePersonality Test - Brainbench

Aptitude Test, Employment Screening, Assessment Testing, OnlinePersonality Test - Brainbench

Offers pre-employment testing, assessment and screening services and products, as well as employment screening and testing. czytaj dalej
Browsershots - screenshots of websites in different browsers

Browsershots - screenshots of websites in different browsers

Kategoria: Zagraniczne

Browsershots. This project is concerned with a favorite problem of web designers: websites look different in other browsers. Testing a new site in many browsers can be quite time-consuming. Not everyb...

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[NGT.pl] Niezależna Grupa Testingowa

[NGT.pl] Niezależna Grupa Testingowa

NGT.pl - opinie użytkowników sprzętu turystycznego i wspinaczkowego jak namioty, plecaki, buty, śpiwory, czołówki, palniki. Nasi użytkownicy postarają Ci pomóc przy wyborze dobrego dla Ciebie sprzętu. czytaj dalej